You or your company are interested in our products, have questions about our services or projects that we can implement together? Then give us a call or send us an e-mail.

We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Bernd Carstens

Sales Manager
Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Scandinavia, Finland, United Kingdom, India, Japan, Turkey, USA, Australia, and Oceania
Tel. +49 173 6 11 55 49

Appointment request

Giacomo De Gaetano

Sales Manager
Italy, France, Greece, Spain and Portugal
Tel. +39 39 39 77 17 64

Appointment request

Steven Chen

Area Sales Representative
China (sun screening industry)
Tel. +86 (21) 34 24 13 96

Tomasz Radzimiński

Business Development Manager & Sales Manager
for Special Sewing Threads and Textile Protection Systems
Julius Koch sp. z o.o.
Tel. +48 604 151 709

Appointment request

We supply products to manufacturers all over the world. We have offices of representation throughout Europe and production facilities with the most modern machines in Germany and the Ukraine.

Julius Koch Germany

Dorfstrasse 16
D-23714 Kreuzfeld/Malente
Tel. +49 (0) 4523 99 69 0
Also production facility.

Julius Koch Denmark

Strandvejen 60, 5th floor
DK-2900 Hellerup

Julius Koch Italy

Via Dante n° 8
I – 18035 Dolceacqua (IM)
Tel. +39 0184 231388
Fax +39 0184 230045

Julius Koch China

No. 5666, Shenzhuan Road, HengYao Plaza, Building A, Room 1001
Songjiang District, Shanghai, 201615
Tel. +86 (21) 3424 1396
Fax +86 (21) 5106 2280

Julius Koch Ukraine

3, Lvivske Shose str. 81600
Mykolaiv / Lviv region
Tel. +38 03241 51248
Production facility only.

Julius Koch Poland

Julius Koch sp. z o.o.
Ogrodowa 8,
91-062 Łódź, Poland
Tel. +48 539 960 484